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The Differences Between Formula & Recipe In Cosmetic Formulation

Formulation Tools And Tips

The Differences Between Formula & Recipe In Cosmetic Formulation

differences between recipe formula

The Differences Between Formula & Recipe In Organic Cosmetic Formulation

Hello dear formulators,

In this short article, I will give you the difference between a formula and recipe.

This is a very important concept for anyone willing to start a thriving cosmetic formulation career or a beauty brand.

What Is A Formula

A formula is a scalable recipe. In simple term, you can use a formula to make difference sizes of your products.

As a cosmetic chemist, I started my career with formula in mind because this will enable me to make larger batches of products.

I want you to keep this in mind too.

Recipe is for newbies and those who limit themselves to DIY products only. If you want to scale up your production, you need to start using formulas.

What Is A Recipe

A recipe is a predefined amount of product you are willing to make per time. You can’t really scale up a recipe like to you do to a formula.

In my next two articles, I will share with you how to convert grams to percentage and vice versa.

A Quick tip

If you are making 100g of any product, your gram amount will be the same as your percentage.

For example, if you are making 100g of lotion, your gram amount will be the same as your %.

This means if making 100g, your recipe will be the same as your formula.

Here is an example.

100g Of Lotion – This is a recipe

Water =69g

Emulsifier = 5g

Oil = 10g

Preservative = 1g

Scalable Formula Variation For The Same Lotion  

Water =84%

Emulsifier = 5%

Oil = 10%

Preservative = 1%

If you look at the recipe and formula, you will notice the formula looks more professional as it is highly scalable.

Scalability is the ability to increase the amount of product you can make without restriction.

A formula makes scalability very easy.

A formula can help you to make from 1g of any product to as much as  50,000g.

The next two videos I will be sharing with you will bring the concept close to home.

Here is a good video that will help you understand the concept of recipe and formula.

Stay tuned for more videos on how to convert your grams to percentage .

The video will show you how to convert your recipe to formula so as to scale up production.

More in Formulation Tools And Tips


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