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How To Make Organic Carrot Juice For Raw Beauty Formulation

Raw Beauty Formulation Projects

How To Make Organic Carrot Juice For Raw Beauty Formulation

how to make organic carrot juice

This special project is a preparatory step for our next Raw Beauty Formulation Project.

In this article, I will show you how to make Organic Carrot Juice for drinking and cosmetic formulation.

  1. Visit the organic section of your grocery store and buy organic carrot
  2. Clean the carrots with distilled vinegar and distilled water (Soak the carrot in distilled vinegar and distilled water for 2 minutes and remove. Then rinse the carrot again in only distilled water.)
  3. Slice the carrots and cook it under medium heat for 5 minutes until it is tender (Use distilled water for the cooking part)
  4. Put the cooked carrots into a blender and blend till you have smooth paste.
  5. Use unbleached Organic cheese cloth to squeeze out the carrot juice (Ensure you wear food grade powder free gloves to prevent contamination)
  6. Collect your juice into a clean container and cap it.
  7. Make sure it is cool enough before capping it.
  8. Don’t bother about preserving it. Keep it in the fridge to preserve
  9. For every of your raw formulation, make new carrot juice.
  10. The left over carrots can be used as salad or dried (in your oven lowest baking setting) to make carrot powder to use for soapmaking and cosmetic formulation.
  11. You can drink your carrot juice or keep it refrigerated for our upcoming raw beauty formulation projects.

Benefits Of Carrot Juice: It is rich in Beta Carotene, a great antioxidant that can help maintain skin health and appearance, and may protect the skin against UV radiation from the sun.

Stay tuned for our first Raw Beauty Formulation Project – Carrot & Sea Salt Body Scrub.

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