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How To Motivate Yourself To Formulate – 4 Things To Do When You Are Losing Interest In Making Beauty Products

Motivation For Cosmetic Formulators

How To Motivate Yourself To Formulate – 4 Things To Do When You Are Losing Interest In Making Beauty Products

how to motivate yourself to formulate

How To Motivate Yourself To Formulate – 4 Things To Do When You Are Losing Interest In Making Beauty Products

Motivation For Cosmetic Formulators And Beauty Brand Owners

If you are a cosmetic formulator or a one-person beauty brand owner, a common issue is lack of interest in formulating along the line.

As an experienced cosmetic chemist who have worked for over 12 years, there will come a time when everything becomes repetitive, which causes lack of excitement.

Here are 4 ways to tackle this common issue.

Take A Big Break To De-stress

No matter which stage you are in formulation, when you notice yourself loosing interest in formulating, you need a big time break.

Making a lot of beauty products at a time can cause stress which will eventually cause lack of interest in the long run.

The best thing at this point is to learn and DON’T FORMULATE.

You can acquire skills by looking at formulas and procedures without making the products.

At some point in my over 12 years of formulation experience, I have tackled lack of interest by taking a big break.

You too can do the same to reignite interest and passion.

At some point, I actually went on vacation for about 3 months and at this point, I noticed something is missing, which later rekindled my interest.

Formulating everyday without taking a break can cause lack of interest in the long run so don’t fall into this trap, try and put in some balance.

Do Not Have A Strict Formulation Schedule

Formulating all the time or being a one-person beauty brand owner can be time consuming and can literally suck life out of you. At some point, you may lose motivation altogether. So to combat this de-motivation force, I highly recommend  you don’t have a strict formulation schedule.

Formulate when you feel like and don’t force yourself to ‘over formulate‘ by keeping to a strict ‘must do‘ schedule.

Remember formulation takes a lot of energy and brain power, when you overdo it, you will increase your stress level, which may lead to lack of interest.

Start Or Invent A New Product Line

The greatest motivator in life is to do what you have never done before. Challenge yourself by taking up new interest in a new product line.

You can even invent a new product line yourself.  This will tackle monotony (repetitiveness) which causes lack of excitement.

I have successfully invented different product line. This is my own way of tackling monotony.

Some of my newly invented product lines are variations of some formulas I make available on You too can do the same so as to rekindle passion in your cosmetic formulation career or business.

The advantage of is that together with my team of experienced chemists, we make stable and highly effective beauty formulas available every month. If you are a part of this site, this will be one of the advantages you will be getting in addition to our 24/7 mentorship email where you can get hold of us for any of your formulation support or mentorship requests. If you have not signed up, feel free to do so by clicking here.

Start Your Own Cosmetic Manufacturing Business (Small Or Large Scale)

The advantage of going large or small scale is that you will hire helping hands to take the stress of you. It pays in the long run because you are able to scale up and make more products which will be available for your customers.

The ability to work-share will also boost your profit so it is something you want to consider in the long run.

Another option is to outsource your project. You can hire cosmetic manufacturing companies to make your products for you.

The downside of this is that it will cost you a lot. This is not recommended for starters but if you have enough capital, you can outsource your cosmetic manufacturing projects.

To really get the best out of this business, you should consider setting up your own cosmetic manufacturing lab and hiring staffs.

In our next motivation article, we will talk about setting up your cosmetic manufacturing lab.

The part two of this article will be for members only. It will be a step by step guide to get your cosmetic lab properly set up.

More in Motivation For Cosmetic Formulators


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