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Natural Cosmetics Recipe Vs Formula: Which One Is The Best

Formulation Tips

Natural Cosmetics Recipe Vs Formula: Which One Is The Best

recipe formula cosmetics

It is easy to follow a recipe  and on this website, we shared thousands of skincare recipes to get you started but our main goal is to inspire you to become a skincare formulator whether for personal use or on a professional level.

When you follow recipe, you are not creative as you are limited in your reasoning while formulating require you to move out of your comfort zone.

For example, if you want to bake cake, you need certain amount of flower, baking powder and specific proportions of other ingredients.

The same principle works when formulating skincare recipes however it goes a little deeper.

To be a great formulator, you have to think about t he ingredients and understand how they will come together for one unique purpose.

For example, if you want to create a formula for dry skin, you need to know how your ingredients behave.

In order to be a great formulator, you need to follow these 4 steps.

  1. Embrace Failure By Trying Different Recipes.

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Take photo of your perfect and not so perfect formulations and remember to learn from your mistakes

2. Get used to your formulation journal.

3. Mix and match.

Try different ingredients like butter, essential oils and solubiliser (for professional formulators) and see how they work and don’t forget to stay within the required limit for each ingredient.
4. Research Your Ingredients.

When you register for any of our courses, you will have access to our ingredient database which give you information about each ingredient and how they work.

You will do better by spending more time on these ingredients.

More in Formulation Tips


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